Austin Jeep Exclusive

Austin Jeep Exclusive Jeep Club

Founded in 2005, Austin Jeep Exclusive is a central Texas, Jeep only, family oriented off-road club for Jeep owners. Are you a rock crawler? An overlander? All are welcome! Our main page is and we welcome everyone to our monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at Nosh and Bevvy on Burnet road.
Be sure to answer ALL questions when you request to join this page. Requests to join that don’t answer the questions will be ignored! Answer the questions and you’re golden!
Please note, NO CLASSIFIED ADS! If you post an ad or something that could be considered an ad, it will be deleted. There’s plenty of Jeep related classifieds sites out there already. If you’d like to share with our club then please post it on the member website

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